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Homecoming 1999 pregame party

Here are some pictures from the Homecoming 99 pregame party.

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991022 01 kate painting terri web.jpg (73563 bytes) 991022 02 looking for nametags web.jpg (104711 bytes) 991022 03 john and carol mills russell web.jpg (82630 bytes) 991022 04 stafford x steve terri web.jpg (83518 bytes)
Kate Grebitus 75 painting Terri Jurich 74 ?, Patty Russell Mosier 73, Jim Mosier 71 looking for nametags John Russell 61 and Carol Mills Russell 61 Stafford Boyd 88, Rick Slater 74, Steve Palmer 74, Terri Jurich 74
991022 05 diane and mike kelly web.jpg (74584 bytes) 991022 06 sue stan kerry web.jpg (87958 bytes) 991022 07 sierra oaks gang web.jpg (105055 bytes) 991022 08 rett and crew web.jpg (105453 bytes)
Diane Schoenborn Kelly 73 and Mike Kelly 73 Sue Kehoe 72, Stan Sedilko 72 and Kerry Shearer 72 Don Hagy 76, Gary Kennedy 78, Paul Stewart 76, Jim Bain 78 Rett Smart 73, Jolie Ostrow 73, Sally Enos 73, Sioux Dunn 74, Mike Fahn 73, Lucia Churches 73, Jeff Jope 72, Aaron Ford 88
991022 09 lynne gile and rett web.jpg (84486 bytes) 991022 10 cynthia and margie web.jpg (93309 bytes) 991022 11 diane jolie kathleen mike web.jpg (108452 bytes) 991022 12 elizabeth plessas web.jpg (105726 bytes)
Tom Tracy, Lynne Gile Tracy 78 & Rett Smart 73 Cynthia Connell 73, Margie Hyland 73 Diane Schoenborn Kelly 73, Jolie Ostrow Baron 73, Kathleen Ketcherside Arceo 73, Mike Kelly 73 Elizabeth Plessas, 18 month old daughter of Christine Plessas 75

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