Encina High School Class of 1979 homepage  

45 Year Reunion

When: October 19, 2024
Location: Polish American Club
327 Main Street Roseville, CA 

Contact: Kathy Martinez (Ragle)
Erik Olson


Please Join us for the class of '79 40th Class Reunion

Food will be Provided
Alcohol will be sold separately

When: Saturday November 9, 2019
Location: Polish American Hall
327 Main Street Roseville, CA 
Time: 6 - 10 pm
Fee : $30

Contact: Kathy Martinez (Ragle)
Erik Olson


Event: Five Year Multi-Class Reunion (1978-1982)

Date: October 15, 2016
Time: 6pm - 10pm
Location: Scotts Seafood on the River
Cost: $100

There is a FB Reunion Group Page (with hyperlinks to purchase tickets for the venue at Scotts Seafood on the River along with discounted rooms at The Westin Sacramento for EHS 78' - 82' October 15, 2016 Five Year Multi Class Reunion held from 6p - 10p. Tickets are $100 and based on availability as venue limited to 250 people.


Contact Lisa directly with questions:
Lisa Lobsitz Ravel: 916-825-1929


30 Year Reunion

Date: Saturday, June 27th 2009
Time: 7:00 p.m.-12:00 a.m.
Reception - 7:00 p.m.
Dinner - 8:00 p.m.
Location: Hilton Sacramento Arden West location
2200 Harvard St, Sacramento, CA 95815, 916-922-4700

Reunion Tickets Include

  • Three Course Sit Down Dinner
  • Music and Dancing
  • Bio Book (Classmate only)
  • No Host Bar
  • Name Badges
  • Alumni Search
  • Decorations
  • Suggested Attire: Evening Casual

Bio Books
At the reunion a free bio memory book will be given to each pre-paid classmate. If you have not received your bio sheet, please contact Great Reunions. The deadline for submitting the bio sheet is 4 weeks before the reunion.

Name Badges
We prepare name badges for every classmate, each with a photo from your high school year book.

Reunion Ticket Information

Encina High School
Class of 1979 Reunion

Reunion tickets and merchandise may be purchased using our secure online order form, as well as by phone, fax, check, or money order. Prices are as follows:

Reunion Ticket (per person) Right-click here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet. $103.00 Right-click here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.
Extra Bio Book Right-click here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet. $20.00 Right-click here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet. Note: pre-paid classmates receive a free Bio Book at the reunion.

Laura Graff Allred
Committee Member

Reunion chairperson: Laura Graff Allred (encinahigh79@gmail.com)

25 year reunion

25 Year Reunion Class of 1979,

The Reunion is 2 weeks away and we are down to the wire.  If you are thinking about coming please send in your money ($75 per person)ASAP.  Payment at the door will be too late because the event must be paid for in advance.  We really don't want to cancel this great event.  Mail to:

Linda McAllister
830 La Goleta
Sacramento, CA 95864
Electronic payments can be made at via PayPal.com to temilner@comcast.net

Thanks and hope to see you soon.
1979 Reunion Committee Your "15 Minutes of Fame" will be the theme of the 25th reunion for the class of 79!

Friday, November 5, 2004 at 7 pm
Arden Hills Country Club

$65-$75 per person, (depending on number participating), which will include a commemorative wine glass.

We have sent out an e-vite, which will be followed by a mailed invitation.

Committee members have put down the $2000 deposit out of their own pockets, so the sooner we have responses to the e-vite the better. Anyone who would like to help with the deposit can send a check which will be applied to their dinner(s), and funds in excess will either be refunded to them or applied to the account for the next reuion, whichever they prefer.

Checks can be mailed to:
Encina Reunion-
Linda McAllister
830 La Goleta
Sacramento, CA 95864

We'd also like to include anyone from the classes of 78 and 80.

Hope to see everyone there!

79 Reunion Committee

Post 20 year reunion message from reunion chair Laura Graff --

Our 20 year class reunion was on September 25, 1999. Of  the 356 graduates our attendance was 140 people for dinner plus several others who came to visit after dinner. Great Reunions, Inc. has done over 2,000 reunions and they said that this was an exceptional turn out for our small class of graduates.
All of the people who participated made this reunion very special. The room was buzzing with conversations so much that when the committee asked the participants for their attention some people could not stop visiting. The atmosphere in the room was warm and each classmate seemed to go from classmate to classmate visiting. Some of the classmates visited from the time they came until 4:00 am in a room hosted by Vada Dean and Bob Hookano. Thank you Vada and Bob!
Mr. Carey one of our dearly remembered teachers was invited by Becky Hudson. The reunion was started off with a song sung by a quartet comprising of Joe Abreu, Dennis Gervin, Dave Robinson and Mr Carey. This song brought back fond memories of Encina school days. Thank you for your entertainment! Thank you again Mr. Carey for coming and visiting with us.
Our classmate Tim Heintz who is a composer of music played our Fight Song and Alma Mater on a piano provided by the Hiton. While singing with Tim Heintz, Joe Abreu and the classmates memories of our rallies in the gymnasium flashed through my mind.
The awards were:
The married the longest award was given to Michelle (Grant) Bosch. She has been married 20 yes twenty years! Congratulations!
The classmate who traveled the farthest was Cyndi (Parsons) Parrish from North Carolina.
The classmate with the most children was Kathleen (O'Neil) Cabe. Seven children was the largest of the attendees at the reunion.
The classmate who changed home addresses the most was Bob Hookano at 21 times.
The door prize was under a chair and seating was randomly picked. Tom Edwards happened to sit in the selected chair and walked away the the $50 cash award.
At the reunion was a table for memorabilia. Classmates placed various items. One of exceptional workmanship was a binder put together by Jeri (Deyo) McCue. Thank you for sharing your memories with the classmates.
The reunion committee that offered suggestions for our reunion events and was a graciously welcoming each guest as they entered were:
Chuck Stream, Joe Neiderberger, Vada Dean, Janet (Russel) Mason, Kathleen (O'Neil) Cabe, Tim Heintz, Sue (Jones) Durst, Tony Jenovino, Bob Hookano and Laura (Graff) Allred.    
This Committee thanked me for "making the reunion happen" with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. I accept your gratitude and thank you.
However, the real People who made the reunion a success and a blast are the 140 plus people who attended this event and made it all that it was by their presence. It was truly OUR REUNION!
May God keep you safe until the next time we meet.
Laura (Graff) Allred

The 1979 Class Directory lists contact information for your classmates. Please submit your contact information.

Your class does not have a webmaster at the present time.

In the meantime, if you would like to submit your bio or say anything to your classmates the Encina webmaster will publish it for you on this interim homepage. For a sample see the Class of 1973 bios.

Submit bio for class homepage

Submit contact information for class directory

25 year reunion
1979 Encinian yearbook


1979 Headlines
Headline News:
Vietnam & Cambodian insurgents announce fall of Cambodian capitol & the Pol
Pot regime.
Shah leaves Iran after year of turmoil; revolutionary forces under Ayatollah
Khomeini take over.
Three-Mile Island nuclear power plant accident releases radiation; 144,000
residents nearby evacuated.
President Carter & Soviet leader Brezhnev sign Salt II agreement.
Iranian militants seize US embassy in Teheran & hold hostages.
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan stirs world protest.

Entertainment News:
John Wayne dies of cancer, age 72.
Academy Awards, Best Picture (& top movie too) - "Kramer vs. Kramer"
Grammy Record of the Year - "What a Fool Believes" by Doobie Brothers
Top song - "My Sharona" by The Knack
Top TV show - "60 Minutes"
Rap music becomes popular

Sports News:
Super Bowl - Pittsburgh Steelers d. Dallas Cowboys (35-31)
World Series - Pittsburgh Pirates d. Baltimore Orioles (4-3)
NBA Championship - Seattle Supersonics d. Washington Bullets (4-1)


Fatur, Louis "Lou" M.
10/15/1960 - 8/18/2015
Gone Too Soon 
Lou, 55, born in Sacramento, passed away peacefully at home surrounded by family and friends. Predeceased by father Lou F. Fatur, mother Camille, brother David, brother-in-law Tom Sertich. Survived by son Christopher Fatur, sister Carolyn Sertich, cousin Kathy Ellington. Graduated from Encina High School, received Bachelor of Arts while at Sheriffs Office. His 31-year career started at Contra Costa County, then Sacramento Sheriffs at main jail, on to patrol, narcs, SED, public information officer, watch commander; retiring in 2010. He enjoyed fishing, golf, building/flying remote control planes. A Celebration of Life will be held on September 17th at 11:00 at the Fair Oaks Presbyterian Church at 11427 Fair Oaks Blvd., FO 95628; reception immediately following. In lieu of flowers, his family would be honored if donations are made to:  Lou Fatur Trust Fund #12200600939, American West Bank, 9340 E. Stockton Blvd., Elk Grove, CA 95624; or Verhoven, Star6; or Law Enforcement Chaplaincy-Sacramento. [Sacramento Bee, 8-30-2015]
Mitch Ybarra wrote:
Occupation: Retired Law Enforcement
MaritalStatus: Married
Children/grandchildren: Two daughters and six grand kids
SinceGraduation: Started out at ARC. Played waterpolo for them. Went into the Marine Corps and also the U.S. Army. 10 years total service time. Finished my enlistment as a Drill Sergeant. Even though I enjoyed my time in the military it was time to move on. Went in a totally different direction. Was a purchaser for Kaiser for several years. Always in the back of my mind what I really wanted was a career in law enforcement. Best job I ever had. Now that I am retired, part of me misses it. I said PART of me. The transition to retirement was something to get used to. But, I can say having 6 Saturdays and one Sunday is the best. I like to pass some of my time woodworking. I found I have a real knack for it.
Trivia: I love history. Specifically..military history. Since oh I guess 1980 I have tried to absorb as much as possible. The Civil War, in particular if I had to choose a time period. So many books, and running out of places to put them.
BestFriends: Best friends...Joe Abreu..Dennis Gervin..Dave Robinson. Still best friends after all these years. Going on 40 years now. Not many people can say that.
Hobbies: Wood working and working in the yard gives me that piece of mind time. Still love going out into the wild. But after teaching soldiers how to rough it and survive in the elements. I'll take the ice chest and BBQ steak any time
Kids: I have two daughters and six grand kids

SHIELDS, Kimberly Ann (Lemmond)
Heaven received another angel on May 28th, 2014. Kim fought a valiant fight for 5 years from stage 4 ovarian cancer. She didn't let that stop her and 'lived strong'.
Kim was born in Oakland and moved to Sacramento with her family in 1971. She graduated from Encina High School in 1979, where she was a cheer leader.
She is survived by her parents Jim and Gerrie and her three sisters, Dawn Marie Lemmond, Kelly Martinez, and Jennifer Adams. She and her husband, Joe Shields, lived in Denver the past 30 years. Kim earned her masters degree with honors.
Kim taught school there at Molholm Elementary, and Colorow Elementary. Her skills as a teacher and her love of children brought her high acclaim from students, their parents as well as her peers.
Kim and Joe were avid mountain cyclists. They rode in races in several states. She never let her illness slow her down. She lived by the motto 'live strong'.
She left an inspirational legacy of love, caring, and the will to overcome. She will be missed by all who knew her.

Occupation: 4th Grade Teacher
Spouse: Joe Shields
Children/grandchildren: no children, but two dogs named Wrinks and Pressed
SinceGraduation: Masters in Education at Colorado University. Teacher in Littleton, Colorado for over 25 years Married for 30 years to her best friend, partner and biggest fan, Joe Shields
Kim passed away, Wednesday, May 28th, 2014. She had a five year battle with ovarian cancer and passed away peacefully. She lived her life with purpose and courage and had many adventures around the world with her husband Joe. She still taught fourth grade through the first few years of her chemo and has had numerous students coming back to visit her throughout the years because of the positive impact she had on her students.
BestFriends: Kim Buck, cathy cook, tony shelu,
Hobbies: Loved road biking in the mountains with her husband Joe. Went on bike touring trips during the Tour de France in 2010 and 2011. Loved yoga, spending time with her husband and family and being the best teacher for her fourth grade class.
MemorableTeachers: Mr. Fig
FavoriteMemory: Hanging out with friends and cheerleading
Siblings: dawn marie class of 1980, Kelly Lemmond, class of 1984

Mark "Sam" Perrigo wrote:
Occupation: Pastry Chef
MaritalStatus: Partnered
SinceGraduation: I opened two French bistros in LA in the 90's. Then I sold them, retired early and moved to Paris. After five years I missed the States and moved back here. I studied at Le Cordon Bleu in Pasadena, CA
BestFriends: Gary Walker, David Kline, Tina Howell, Billy Williams
Hobbies: Pastries, baking, curing meats, fish and sausages.
MiddleSchool: Jonas Salk
Jeff Tackett writes:
Occupation: Retired from AAA ......not at DowntownFord
Spouse: Rene Baez
Children/grandchildren: Rochelle 24
SinceGraduation: Working.
BestFriends: Lisa Lowe lost contact best friend Valerie Schneider Rose
Kids: Grown up and now im a Grandpa
GradeSchool: Howe Ave Elementry
MemorableTeachers: Ms Latimer, Mr halfman
FavoriteMemory: Susan Summers at school dance

WESSENDORF, Laura Diane Gray Shay
Age 49, passed away suddenly in Sacramento on April 3rd, 2010. She was born January 18th, 1961, in Sacramento, California, the daughter of late Raynold Gray and surviving Paula Munson. She was the oldest of 4 siblings. She is survived by her only child Megan Shay. On August 12th, 2006, she married Chris Wessendorf, who survives. A service will be held at Laura's church: Fremont Presbyterian at 5770 Carlson Drive in Sacramento, CA on April 10th, 2010 at 2 pm in her honor. Please send flowers in her memory to the church. Wife, mother, grandmother, sister and friend will be missed by all.

Sadly a member of my gang of Encina friends has died.  Laura (Gray) Wessendorf class of ’79 died last Saturday of complications following surgery.  She was only 49.
She leaves behind a loving husband Chris Wessendorf and daughter Megan Shay from her first marriage.Laura’s funeral will be Saturday April 10th at 2pm at Freemont Presbyterian Chuch 5770 Carlson Drive across from Sacramento State University with reception to follow. Please help us to celebrate her life and love. She will be laid to rest at East Lawn Memorial Park.
Laura had boundless energy, generosity and loyalty.  Her daughter was like a sister and best friend to her.  Less than four years ago Laura and got married at the same church where her services will be held.
Paul Stewart 78

PEARSON, April Dawn Lombard
A native of Sacramento, passed away at home in North Highlands on November 19, 2009. Wife of Donovan Presnell. Mother of Craig, Christopher, Jamie and Ashley. Sister of Stephen and Robin Lombard. Loving aunt to many nieces and nephews. Also survived by Brian Pearson. A native of Sacramento, age 48. Friends are invited to attend a Memorial Service at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday November 24, 2009, at LOMBARD & CO., FUNERAL DIRECTORS, 1550 Fulton Ave., Sacramento. Private interment East Lawn Memorial Park. Published in the Sacramento Bee on November 21, 2009.
Sacramento Bee, Jan. 7, 2009
FOSTER, Cherie Dickson
Born on April 3, 1961, passed away peacefully on December 26, 2008. She leaves behind her daughter Tiffany Martinez, son Gary Paul Foster, two granddaughters, mother, two sisters, one brother, four nieces, and five nephews. She was a 1979 graduate from Encina High School. She will be laid to rest next to her father, sister, and nephew on Tuesday, Jan. 13, at 11:30 a.m. at Fair Oaks Cemetery, 7780 Olive St., Fair Oaks, Calif. 
David Lester wrote:
Occupation: Real Estate
Bio: Went back to school earning degrees in Mathematics and Psychology. Currently studying a Masters program at CSUS.
Trivia: Clean and sober
Friends: Debbie and Kim Moore, Missy "Blake" Irwin, Todd and Julia McCullough, Steve McFail, Jeff Tacket, Terri Maynor, Valerie Schneringer
Hobbies: Recreation, various service commitments
Kids: Kandis Marie & Krisine Diane
Twins, both high school graduates
Diana Terry wrote:
Occupation: Homebuilding Industry consultant-sales & marketing management
Bio: Went to CSUS, raised 3 kids, working in the homebuilding industry, travel, spending time with friends.
Trivia: Lots of trivia. Don't know if it's terriby interesting.
Friends: Suzy Waldo, Jackie Ferguson, lost contact with Annamarie Puccinelli.
Hobbies: Travel, cooking, hiking, reading
Kids: Kim-25, Mandy-22, Nick-19
Oldest is an attorney, middle child in PR in SF, youngest a student.
Grade_school: Caleb Greenwood in River Park.
Grade_school_friends: Suzy Waldo, Annamarie Puccinelli
Junior_high: Kit Carson
Junior_high_friends: Suzy Waldo, Annamarie Puccinelli
Memorable_teachers: I actually liked most of the teachers I had, believe it or not.
Favorite_memory: Swimming on the team--even though we didn't win much.
Alumni_in_contact: Jackie Ferguson Gunby, Suzy Waldo Evans, Jack Ingram
Norman Axtell writes:
Occupation: Mobile Disc Jockey
Bio: During High school I worked as a cook for Long John Silvers on Howe ave. In June of 1979 I started working for Hoigs Marine from 79-till
about 82 After that started my own buisness working on boats down on the Sacramento River. 1984 worked for Kragen Auto Supply worked for them off and on for about 6 years.In the late 80's I started working for Lucky's Grocery stores made Journeyman clerk in 1 year worked also as night crew. I decided to go back to College inrolled in ARC automotive program went there for about 2 years and Landed a job without finishing college at Autowest Dodge worked there for about 13 years before getting laid off present day Feb 2008.
2nd job Dj Buisness (self employed)
In 1996 i started to play house partys dj peoples party's I met on Aol.
In 1998 started working at the Beverly Garland Hotel and also the 7440 club in Citrus Heights. I worked for the fourty from 1998 to 2005.
Working every fri and sat night I started with about 30 to 40 of my close friends online and ended in 2005 with prob about 600 plus people.
Ive had celebritys on my dance floor such as Sacramento Kings,102.5 and 106.5 Dj's . Ive been interviewed by TV personality's. I love dj and do
about 20 weddings a year all over Sacramento and Roseville.
Trivia: When I turned 16 I bought my first car a 67 Mustang and I just recently bought it back about 3 years ago. Its nice to have a piece of my past as part of my life again.
Friends: My best friend in high School actually was a year after us he was Scott Liske. Ive lost contact with just about everyone, I run accross someone here and there but not very often.
Hobbies: Im into my Harley Davidson Lowrider,My two mustangs 65,67 also into flying R/C airplanes.
Kids: Don't have any kids except for my cat and dogg :) never been married.
Grade_school: Cottage School, Wyda Way School
Grade_school_friends: I prob will miss a few, Mark Mckoy, Ken Sheeler, Mike ASher, Ron Astle, Russ Backman, Scott Campbell, Kevin Corbet, Kim Dellinger, Jeri Deyo, Robert Dieterle, Debbie Dorei, Tom Edwards, Jody Elliott, Trina Elmer, Jeff England, Lou Fatur, Carl Fong, Diane Fournier, Dennis Gervin, Joe Grasso, Bob Hookano, Jerry James, Brad Jividen, Dwight Kinkel, Debra Leblanc, Paul Lindstrom, Julie Mangino, Robert McCue, Nancy McFadyen, Marty McGonigle, Tracy Milner, Rudy Montoya, Greg Munsill, Kelly Murphy, Danbar Ogawa, Erik Olson, Stephen Pacheco, Mike Palmer, Steve Pawlowski, Deanna Poulsen, Chris Rideout, Bruce Robinson, Dave Robinson, Buffie Roundtree, Tammy Rutledge, Carlos Santos, Chris Francino(rip) Danny Tunning, Veda Dean, Del Stanback, James Meridith, Mike Lightner, Earlin Clark, Kim Plaza, Rocky Niedaburger, Paul Sherear, Brian Hearden, Carla Scheiman, Paul Shearer, Chuck Stream, Chuck Stubbs, Jeff Tackett, Chris Tulley, Andrea Tyrone, Randy Vigil
Junior_high_friends: Prob half on my list of high school friends,the Cottage School friends all went pretty much to Jonas Salk reunited at Encina.
Memorable_teachers: Mr.Ash he got me my best job at Hoigs Marine also was a great mentor. Mr.Botello loved his class and was a really cool person I took 4 years of photo and never used it for buisness use prob should have. Coach Stevens (RiP)
Favorite_memory: The School dances were fun and sometimes drama all of us experimenting with drinking and getting drunk. Also walking the
hallways with Mark Mckoy having all the girls look at him and me ratting them out (hey did u see that girl starring at you)lol Also Running Track
for Encina, I remember blowing the doors off of Mira Loma High school I still have the pic my dad took of me in the front of 5 mira loma losers
chasing me around the track they never caught up and the coach running on the infield yelling at them. LOL
Story: My Track Coach Coach Stevens (rip) usto yell out Go STORMIN NORMAN!!! When I was kicking the other Schools ass. Even though I never liked running I was the best at it along with my other brothers on the team we had something going on. I miss it and wish I would have stayed with it. I was in the Sac Bee all the time the mile relay team. Carlos Santos,Bob White,Veda Dean,Norm Axtell don't quote me but I think that was the mile relay team.
Stephen Pacheco writes:
Occupation: Community College Instructor of Philosophy Writer (currently writing textbook for McGraw-Hill publishing)
Bio: I entered university in Fall 1979. Two years of pre-med courses. Changed major to philosophy and political economics (two degees). Grad. Univ of Oregon 1985 with BS.(Played two years of college soccer) 1985-1988 Languished in Eugene Oregon, Traveled in Europe.Attended Univ of Calif Riverside on fellowship-3 years plus and UCLA -two terms 1989-1994. Earned Master of Arts in philosophy (did not finish dissertation--ABD). Have consumed a tremendous amount of Italian, Spanish and French red wine.Worked for FEMA for one year--spectaculary low paying job and high stress.Worked as a waiter and hotel concierge for a couple of years in SF while in transition. Became addicted to Thai and Vietnamese food. Taught High School history in San Francisco 1998-2000. Moved to Oxford, UK--taught and tutored Sixth Form college and two terms at University of Oxford in philosophy from 200-2004. Taught comm.
college (philosophy, logic, world religion) from 2004-2007. Currently writing textbook.
Trivia: Met Bill Clinton in Oxford England (not Monica though). Had a small small role in two movies in England (one line). Movies: Shakleton (with Kenneth Brannagh) To Kill to a King (Tim Roth). During a book-signing in London, I got Dr James Watson to confess that it was really a woman who discovered DNA (Rosalind Franklin). In 2002, saw Wimbledon in London after waiting in line 4 hours to enter courts! Spent one year reading bulletins on air for BBC Oxford 2002-2003 as a volunteer. 1
Friends: I had no friends. Rather, I think people sort of tolerated me. (I was considered a Squid! Hard-core Encina slang.
Individuals who tolerated me: Chuck Stream, Mike Totaro, Nancy McFadden, Steve Pawlowski, Carl Fong Joe N.,Tibor Pele. Lost contact with everyone.
Hobbies: Photography, Soccer, Mediterrean cooking, wine and stand-up comedy and thinking about death in my spare time.
Kids: If I had kids I would. However, no kids yet.
Memorable_teachers: Embarrassingly,I cannot remember any teachers at Encina except Mr.Stream, he taught a special course on slam-dunking for Anglo-saxon basketball players. 
Favorite_memory: After a champagne brunch at Steve Palowski's home, we went bowling on skip day. I was completely sauced on cheap champagne and as a dare actually turned myself into a human bowling ball and slide into the pins. Also, breaking into the gym after hours at night, and slam-dunking with aid of gymnastics equipment with Stream, Tote, Fong and others. Announcing basketball games with Chuck Stream and introducing Gene (can't remember last name)as Gene Gene the Dancing Machine at guard. Coach was not amused.
Story: One of the Montoya Bros. is a comedian and actor and has comedy troupe. I was watching the movie falling down with Michael Douglas and totally caught by surprise to see Richard Montaya on the big screen.
David Midthunder writes:
Occupation: Actor, Stuntman.
Bio: Working on films & T.V. shows.
Friends: Bruce Tuter, Robin Garcia, Mike Davis.
Hobbies: Big wave surfing, skydiving, whitewater kayaking, rock climbing, vert-Skateboarding, streetluge, Muay Thai (and other martial arts), Mountain biking (both extreme downhill, freeride, cross-country), mountainboarding (big-airs, downhill slalom), snowboaord (steep-deep powder in Alaska and Utah), bull riding, and work with other actors as certified personal trainer. 
Kids: 3 boys and 1 girl.
Eldest son just got out of the United States Marine Corps, after completing his four years of active duty, 2 years fighting in the middle east.
Grade_school: Cottage
Grade_school_friends: Bruce Tuter
Junior_high_friends: Bruce Tuter, Mike Davis, Robin Garcia.
Memorable_teachers: Botello phography.
Favorite_memory: Skateboarding the hallways being chased by Mr. Sando
Story: The skateboarders were cool, but I was the only one who surfed S.F. and Santa Cruz. Robin Garcia and I were the only two officially enroled tribal members A.K.A. American Indians.
Sibling_info: Diana  (sister)
comments: After graduating Indian boarding shcool(a cross between prison and military) where I was on the football, boxing (all year), track, rodeo (bull riding), and track teams. I went the University of Utah, who's symbol  (not mascot was the Ute). Ute is and Indian tribe native to Utah. As the Ute symbol a casting director spotted me and asked if I could ride a horse bare-back like that in front of a camera. After asking how much the pay was, I said "Hell yeah!" and ever since I've been acting and doing stunt work. Later married someone half my age, also in th industry. I also have done many commercials and print work (modeling), calander shoots and Tech. advising on Native American subject matter (At the U of U I majored in cultural anthopolgy, and speak several Native American languages). I think many people at Encina didn't know I was multi-lingual, even close friends, because I only spoke Lakota to family members. Most recently I was in the Steven Spielberg mini-seris "Into the West" as White Crow. Some of my other work can be found on imdb.com. Wierd life huh?
Bob Hookano writes:
Bio: Upon returning from Hawaii with members from the class of '79, I hitched a ride to Europe with the United States Air Force, where in spent five years.  While stationed at RAF Upper Heyford England, I met my lovely wife, Lisa. We married within a year of meeting and in 1986, my son, Ryan
(aka "little king") was born. His is the apple of my eye.
  Working for the USAF in the beginning, had the family and I moving around a lot. It was a great opportunity to travel extensively for cheap, as well as
live in several different countries. Times are much more settled these days.
  Not an easy task but, I did manage to graduate from college, (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University) with BS in Aeronautical Engineering. After leaving the USAF, I went to work right away for the McDonnell Douglas Aircraft Corporation in St. Louis. I was only there for a very short time when the
Chrysler Corporation (Now DaimlerChrysler) made me an offer I couldn't refuse.
  So, I followed the money. I went to a small automobile manufacturing town called Kokomo Indiana, and for approximately four years I worked there as a production manager in one of the many machining departments.  The pay was great, but the working conditions were harsh and the hours were long.
  In 1991 after five years of trying to get it right, I was finally granted a patent (5,032,119) for a prototype launderable baby’s diaper that was friendly on
the environment and non-allergenic.  Like a lot of ideas, I never made any money, but I did learn a lot about the importance of a good attorney.
  Today, the family and I live in Michigan, and all is still great!  I do my best to stay busy. My business card tells me I’m the New Business Development Manager for sales and marketing with the DaimlerChrysler Corp (DCC).  But some times it feels more like “Chief Whipping Boy” I must like it though, I keep coming back for more!
  However, more exciting, I’ve recently launched two of my own Limited Liability Corporations “LLC” that I’m extremely energized about. One is an
Investment property LLC called WaterHouse Holdings, and the other I have just recently put together (the ink is still wet) a service LLC called Jett
Travel. Too early to tell if I’ll actually make any money, but both business models are pretty solid (Special thanks to Robert Kiyosaki’s “Rich Dad Poor
Dad”).  Check out www.jetttravel.com, bookmark it, and tell ten friends to do the same.
  Okay, I’ve babbled on long enough. The family is great; Ryan is a freshman at University of Michigan (premed.).  Boy, that kid is smart, you know he
didn’t get the smart gene from me. Lisa is doing great as well, she’s totally focused on her work, (she also works at DCC).
Trivia: I am still a license pilot and currently flying for recreation only. I spend a lot of time building Burt Rutan’s long EZ and Varieze experimental
aircraft. I have one of each. They are Fast! And Fun!
Friends: I still stay in close contact with Todd Remme, and occasionally drop a note back and forth with Vada Dean, Linda Darkenwald, and Mike
Fature.  Todd’s family and mine spent a week together in Maui last year (2003), we had an excellent time. We both do our best to have dinner or
lunch together when I’m in town. Todd’s construction company keeps in touch with a lot of folks, and is a good contact to help in finding other classmates of 78, 79, and 80. I haven’t heard from Kent Fiscus, Rich Bonic, Mike Asher, Dave Barrigan, Bob Daily, etc, in a long time. Every once and a while a rumor of a sighting of these guys makes it my way.
Hobbies: I’m still an adrenalin junkie. I love fast planes, boats, and cars. I had an opportunity to tandem skydive a couple of years back (a birthday
present from Lisa).  Wow! What a rush! It changed my life.
Comments: Please call or e-mail, I would love to hear from you. 586-904-6711, new e-mail: bhookano@comcast.net. Also, don’t forget about
www.jetttravel.com, book mark it, and tell ten friends to do the same.
Craig Watson writes:
Occupation: Dept Corrections (Who woulda thought?)
Bio: Living life to it's fullest. Being a great dad for my 2 kids, Always going & doing something, boating, camping etc.
Trivia: Still in Sacramento & loving it!
Friends: Lots & Lots All of you. To many to list.
Hobbies: Wow! Everything boating, camping, sports, racing etc etc.
Kids: I have two beautiful kids. One boy (STUD) CJ who is 17 and a very beautiful daughter who is becoming a lady already at the age of 13 (Help!)
Grade_school: Cottage
Junior_high: Bad Ass Howe!
Junior_high_friends: Lots
Memorable_teachers: Dan Schwartz & Greg Paulo
Favorite_memory: A whole bunch. So many good & close friends & alot of good times. (FLYING TACO) HA! "Partying"
Story: I can't divulge that information.
Daniel Tuning writes:
Bio: Attended American River College and Brigham Young University. Received AA, BS and MAcc degrees. Worked for Ernst & Young in San Francisco International Tax Practice. Currently sole practioner with my own practice.
Friends: Kelton Larson (lost contact). Still in contact with Bob White, Chris Pasley and a few others.
Hobbies: Upland game and waterfowl hunting, fishing, raquetball and Mustangs. I also am an A's fan. World Series championships A's = 4, Giants = 0. Water and snow skiing and camping.
Kids: Two daughters that have done will with grades and sports. Both will be in high school in the hext two years.
Cyndi Parsons writes:
Occupation: Senior Reader when I am working
Bio: I attended Cosumnes River College and Sacramento City College until I transferred to U. C. Davis. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in
Zoology in June 1985. In 1988, I met Terry Parrish and decided to move to Aiken, SC in August 1990. In 1991 I married Terry, I had twins and moved back to California. We stayed in the Sacramento area until 1995. We moved back to South Carolina in 1995. We moved to Timberlake, NC in August 1997. When I work I score student papers for Measurement Inc. Our family raises pure bred collies and we just started our own website:KYKcollies.com
Trivia: I have moved so many times I can't remember all my addresses. My husband and I moved 10 times from 1990 to 1997. My twin pregnany was so unusual it was published in a medical journal after the delivery was photographed and videographed by the medical delivery staff.
Friends: Rick Hall, Virginia Hill, Clint Clawdus, Christine Newbert, Kathy O'Neill, Trudi Powell, Eileen Pierce . Lost contact with everyone except Christine and just recently found Rick again.
Hobbies: I enjoy cooking, bowling, and raising my collies. I enjoy watching ACC basketball and I have been an avid Duke fan since 1989. For the past two years, I have been a Girl Scout Leader for my daughter's junior girl scout troop. I am hoping to restore my 1961 mahogany ski boat and start waterskiing and boating again.
Kids: My kids are very both very entertaining and frustrating. Since I was an only child their endless sibling rivalry drives me crazy. Both of my
kids are great students and attend middle school. My son would like to be a stand up comedian and an astronaut. My daughter plays the flute. She is very social and witty. She says she wants to be a teacher.
Grade_school: I went to Winterstein for two weeks until the district said I was not in the right school. Then I went to Merryhill School.
Grade_school_friends: I really did not have any.
Junior_high_friends: Laura Gray, Tina Howell, Kathy O'Neill, Trudi Powell and Virginia Hill.
Memorable_teachers: Mr Figenshu because he was so funny and I learned alot from him that I used in college. Mr. Huber, because he believed in me as a struggling math student. Mrs Kojima because she actually got me to think and speak in Spanish. I also loved her clothes and shoes.
Favorite_memory: Being a freshman and meeting Rick Hall at the Freshman Homecoming Float Meeting. Being Senior Class Vice President and helping to plan Homecoming. Remembering how Del stanbeck became a homecoming princess.
Story: Mr. Figenshu used to rub Kathy O'Neill's elbow and tell Laura Gray she need to do more pull ups. Now a days that would be called harassment but then it was just funny. When I fell asleep in Mr. Huber's class he hit me with the chalkboard eraser to wake me up.
Bill Tessore writes:
Occupation: Network Marketer
Bio: After graduating I spent the summer at Sac. State. I dropped out and entered the Navy for a 4 year hitch. After three years service I was issued a medical discharge under honorable conditions for macular degeneration. I bounced from job to job for about 7 years. Finally, in 1995 I joined NA and went to school at the Orientation Center for the Blind in Albany, CA At OCB I developed alternative Orientation & Mobility skills, living skills, and learned to read braille. In February of 1998 I proposed to then Charlotte E. Cude, and later on that fall on October 10 we were married in San Diego, CA. I moved to Bellingham, WA where Charlotte had a job at a day care center. After about a year we opened a child care home of out own which we operated 12 hours a day for the space of about 1 1/2 years. After closing the child care home we decided to move back to Orange Cove, CA and persue our respective network marketing businesses. We currently reside just 2 miles from where Charlote grew up.
Trivia: During a 9 month cruise on board the USS Nimitz I traveled from Norfolk, Virginia, to Palma, Spain; Rota, Spain; Naples, Itali; & Haifa, Israel. I was aboard the Nimitz the day two Libian fighters were shot down during Kadafi's claimed 250 miles of Mediteranian air space. On a seperate cruise I visited St. Thomas, Virgin Islands; St. John, Virgin Islands, & Fort Lauderdale, Florida during Spring Break. I also married the woman of my dreams 9 years after leaving Encina.
Friends: Jim Rogers. I've lost contact with everyone.
Hobbies: Frequent family gatherings, church functions, & visits with our two nephews keep us well grounded and mentally stimulated.
Kids: My son Jeff works as a mechanic for a local auto repair shop, & also maintains & repairs wind machines for the local citrus growers here in Orange Cove, CA.
My daughter Joan works part-time as an assistant manager at Papa Murphey's, as well as a Nannie. Joan plans to enter the field of interior design & old home restoration.
Grade_school: I attended Harmon Johnson Elementary School, & Las Palmas Jr. High School.
Grade_school_friends: Pam Wilbur O'Keif
Memorable_teachers: Mrs. Leaf was the teacher in attendance with us when a small group of 9 Encina students went on an 18 day cruise of Europe. Mrs. Leaf shared the experience of seeing London, England; Roma, Itali; Malta; Athens; Greece; Thessalonica, Greece; & Istanbul, Turkey.
Favorite_memory: Getting caught by Mr. Sando in front of Encina while playing "penny anty poker" with Jim Rogers & a host of others. I counted Mr. Sando's query about our activy with, "Why no Mr. Sando, ganbling on school property is against the rules... I'm just counting my change for lunch" (all pennies of course).
Story: While at the dinner table on our cruise Mrs. Leaf asked one of the English gentlemen for a "napkin". After several gafaus, a few red faces, & a couple of chuckles woman next to Mrs. Leaf advised her, "we call them cervietts dear". OOPS!
Debbie Dorei writes:
Occupation: House Mommie ;)
Bio: I stayed in Sacramento for a few years, and then met my husband who was working out at Rancho Seco nuclear plant before it was to be decommissioned. He lived in Florida, so I started traveling and having children and have been raising them full time ever since. This is my 4th year of homeschooling my younger boys.
Trivia: I thought that I would never leave Sacramento... and then I found out that I LOVE Georgia and Florida so much, that I can't ever imagine not living on the East coast now.
Friends: Debbie Shields... we have stayed in contact. We get together with our families many times each year and share our vacations. Nancy McFadyen was a very special friend from K, and no I haven't kept in touch with her. And, my other close friends went to Norte Del Rio, and I have stayed in contact with one of them... Ginger Mercado. I was friends with Mary Johnson, and she went to Encina and Norte both, as with Amy Castleberry and Julie Watson. Carol Livecchi was another Valle Vista friend, that also stayed at Encina.
Hobbies: I love the Ocean... I spend many a vacation on the East coast of Florida or down in the Florida Keys. I love to ride my golf cart. We have over 100 miles of cart paths here in Peachtree City, and we use golf carts like cars... the dentist office, the post office, drive thru's, groceries, etc. I just love it! If I'm not able to get to it by golf cart, I just don't go!ha! Now shopping at Home Depot or Wal-Mart will create stress at times... just how do I attach all those bags or large items with only 2 bungee cords!!![s]
Kids: They are very energetic... full of life... great sense of humors, and quite intelligent when I least expect it.[s] My two younger ones have been going to Karate at least 3 nights a week for almost 2 years, and I love the self-discipline that it has created in their lives. All three of these boys have been my greatest gift and connection to life. I'm enjoying watching them grow up into wonderful young men and even greater human beings! My husband, Rod, has also been a phenomenal positive influence in their lives. He has truly been a very loving and supportive daddy.
Grade_school: Babcock Elemetary
Grade_school_friends: Nancy McFadyen, Mary Johnson, Amy Castleberry, Julie Watson, and...???
Junior_high: Valle Vista Jr. High School.
Junior_high_friends: Debbie Kirst [Shields], Cheryl Pitts [Stout], Carol Livecchi, Lydia Molloy, Julie Watson and many more.
Memorable_teachers: For some reason, Mr. Rollins will live in my memory cells till the end of time... his unique and quite scary way of teaching history that is.
Favorite_memory:  Many happy lunches at McDonald's, Togo's, Jack n the Box, etc. I loved having open campus. My oldest son during high school had a closed campus, and what a difference that makes with your school day.
Story: Too many to list... Debbie Shields and I growing up over our 3 years at Encina... and my friendship and memories of Nancy McFadyen, she filled my days with laughter.
Alumni_in_contact: Debbi Kirst [Shields] - class of 1979, Rick Kirst - class of 1978
Andrea Tyrone writes:
Occupation: Occupational Therapist
Bio: Moving my way North...to Washington. I've played soccer since '76 and still can't get enough. Outdoors activities non-stop including sea kyacking, biking, hiking, boating & seeing all of what H2O ways of Washington has to offer.
Trivia: Various educational institutions including AR, CSFU,SJSU and multiple south/north drives btwn. Sac and all of the above mentioned.
Friends: Sheri Hooper, Pat Walsh, Teres Bugato,Cici Sanchez,. ??where abouts Virginia Hill, Buffy Roundtree, Alison & Robin Ehlers, Cici Sanchez
Hobbies: Soccer, motorcycle riding, arts/crafts, stamping, camping, hiking, being outdoors.
Grade_school: Greer
Grade_school_friends: Bob White
Junior_high: Howe
Junior_high_friends: Kris Kamm, Kent Fiscus, Bob White, Alison/Robin Ehlers, Bob Hookano,Randy Vigil,Vada Dean
Memorable_teachers: Mr. Fig gave me the scientific mind to pursue my degree in licensed therapy to lead me up north.
Favorite_memory: Trying out for Mascot in'78 in front of all of those people/classmates and Junior Prom Princess cerimony being crownd.
Story: Alison Ehlers & I kept in contact on/off for years though, since recently, I haven't heard from her. She was working on the Princess Cruise lines worldly and has married Phil Roberson. Would love 2 hear from her soon...
Sibling_info: Veronica, Doug, Sherry, Charles '76
Randy Vigil writes:
Occupation:                      SALES
Brian Hearden writes:
Occupation: Registered Investment Advisor
Bio: After graduation mom said you are either going to ARC or paying rent! Rent didn't sound like such a good idea so I went to ARC. Not taking that seriously it was no time until I flunked out. I continued following my passions at the time (like racquetball) and became a very avid mountaineer, cyclist, skier, windsurfer, etc. To support those habbits I began working at Alpine West in Sacto. and ended up managing their Stockton store. At 24 I was ready for college and went back to ARC and completed the AA in 1 year with a 4.0 gpa which surpised us all considering my gpa at Encina was a 1. something! Anyway, transfered to UC Santa Barbara and got a BA in Business Economics with an emphasis on Accounting. Stayed in Santa Barbara for a while working at the UC, running on the beach and sailing. Ended up in Spokane Washington and going to work as a stock broker for Merrill Lynch. After a number of years at that, I went out on my own and moved to a small college town in WA state called Walla Walla.
Trivia: I am a boat nut which developed when I worked on boats in Alaska for several seasons.
Friends: Many good friends, the only one of which I currently am in contact with is Larry Bain.
Hobbies: Racquetball, Football, Lifting, Partying.
Kids: Step Daughter is 13. She is very important to me and I have treated her as though she was my own for many years.
Grade_school: Billy Mitchell
Grade_school_friends: None
Junior_high: Howe Ave
Junior_high_friends: Dont recall what I had for dinner last night much less that!
Memorable_teachers: Coaches were very important to me, especially Schwartz
Favorite_memory: Very good memories all around.
David Lester writes:
Occupation: Real Estate Broker
Bio: I retired from construction in 1988 and went back to school. I earned an Associate of Arts degree in Mathematics at American River College. Then, I went to Sacramento State and earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Phychology and a Master of Science in Business Administration. Currently, I have my own real estate company in Carmichael and have twin daughters who are 17.
Trivia: I used to sell drugs at school....I have gone legitimate and now sell homes.
Friends: Steven McPhale, Valerie Schneringer, Debbie Moore, and others.
Hobbies: Movies, running, working out...when I have time.
Kids: Pete and re-Pete...just kidding. My twins names are Kandis Marie Lester and Kristine Diane Lester. They are 17, and have gone to Encina (against my advise!!!) Kristine is on the Basketball and Softball teams. Kandis got kicked out (just like her dad)and now goes to Leo Palmiter continuation school.
Grade_school: Brookside Elementary, Baechtel Grove, Sam Brannen, Fern Bacon and Placer High.
Memorable_teachers: Eric Dahlin....I was so loaded I majored in ceramics.
Favorite_memory: Pouring a full large coke down a girls halter top at McDonalds at lunch.
Heard_about_website_from: My daughter
Craig West writes:
Occupation: Special Agent, United States Dept. of Justice, Immigration & Natz. Service
Bio: Well my friends, I didn't graduate with you. I joined the US Army in Jan. 1979, and went to Germany as a Military Policeman. I served there until 1981, when I reenlisted and went to Panama. I met my wife Isabel there in 1982. We have been married ever since.  We left Panama and went to Ft. Rucker Al, then after that to Germany again. I was honorably discharged in Nov 1988 as a Sergeant.  I came home to Sacramento, but didn't like it.  In 1989 I became a Federal Correctional Officer at US Penintentiry Lompoc, in Lompoc, CA.  In 1991, I joined the United States Border Patrol. I was stationed at the Chula Vista Station in San Diego County.  I served there until 1998 when I transferred to Key West, Fl to be an Immigration Inspector.  I am currently a Special Agent in the US I&NS in San Juan, Puerto Rico. I am working  on task forces and conducting anti-smuggling operations in the Caribbean Basin.
Trivia: I have lived and worked in Augsburg, Stuttgart and Rheinberg Germany. I have lived in Panama City, Republic of Panama. I have seen all of Western Europe, and Central and South America I have learned to speak German and Spanish fluently. I have a working knowledge of Portugese and Italian as well. Bruce Robinson served in the Army with me on our first tour in Germany.
Friends: My best friends were Paul Shearer (Deceased) and Bruce Robinson, who is still in Sacramento. I also was friends with Ron Clevinger and Greg Reinhart. I haven't seen anybody except for Bruce though. Buffy Rountree and Kris Kamm were also good friends. Craig Watson too.
Hobbies: I am a avid Scuba diver and game fisherman. I own a boat in the Florida Keys. I am also pistol and rifle marksman, and enjoy shooting. As you can see I like the great outdoors. Motorcycling and Auto Rallye as well.
Kids: I have two sons Steven and Stuart. They were born while on our second tour in Germany in 1987 and 1988.
Grade_school: Dyer-Kelly and Creekside
Grade_school_friends: Buffy Rountree comes to mind.
Junior_high: Howe Avenue
Junior_high_friends: Bruce Robinson and Craig Watson
Sibling_info: Clay T. West
Alumni_in_contact: Buffy Rountree and Bruce Robinson
Heard_about_website_from: Buffy Rountree
Sam Perrigo writes:
Occupation: Restaurateur
Bio: While I didn't graduate with my class, I still have many friends from Encina I would love to see again.  I took a lot of time off to travel, relocated to New York, and since relocated to Paris.  Now I live between LA, New York and Paris.  I went into the special events business, which led me to catering, and opened my own restaurant in Los Angeles.  My current restaurant has been open for three years (Bouchon Bistro, located on Melrose).  I do some of the menu planning, and bake some desserts.  I love the restaurant business, and I spend a lot of time traveling and discovering new restaurants and foods.  I still love my life in Paris, where I bought an apartment some time ago. 
Trivia: My sister, Susan (Class of '81), and I own a restaurant in Hollywood together.   She has become one of my best friends in adulthood, and an excellent business partner.  She has three kids, and she lives in Los Angeles, also.
Friends: Billy Smith, Gary Walker, Tina Howell
Hobbies: I own a few quarter horses in Los Angeles, and I compete in the hunter/jumper circuit in the West Coast States.
Kids: I have no children, unless I count my sister Susan's kids.  She has three children, and we all travel together in the summer.  Her children also compete in the quarter horse circuit with me in the Western United States.
Junior_high: Jonas Salk Junior High School
Junior_high_friends: Tina Howell
Memorable_teachers: Mr. Brodnansky ("Mr. B.") taught me much about animals and agriculture in his Large Animal Science, Animal Husbandry and Agriculture Classes. 
Favorite_memory: I loved when we had bands out on "the quad" at lunchtime.  
Story: Going to school on Halloween in full drag with Billy Smith.  None of the students or teachers recognized me.  It was a lot of fun during role call that day.
Kathy Ragle writes:
Occupation: Lecturer, CSUS/Recreation (Therapist) Specialist, Sac. County Sherif's Department
Bio: After graduation,I attended ARC for two years. After ARC, I transferred to Chico State where I partied my tail off for (thank God) only one semester. At the very young age of 20, I married an Air Force "Fly Boy" and off I went to England for three years(we divorced 10 years later). While there, I finished undergrad and played Volleyball for the Air Force Base Team. Upon my return to Sacramento, I started working for the Sheriff's Department as a Recreation Specialist and I started Grad school at C.S.U.S. After receiving my degree in 1990, I started teaching part-time in the Recreation and Leisure Studies Department. Two years ago, I married a "muy guapo" guy from Mexico named Abel Martinez-Centeno...we recently found out that I am pregnant, so wish me luck; my first child at 40.
Trivia: Trivia??? I played volleyball at Encina for three years. I still play now...doubles and on a couple power leagues. What else??? My boss for the last 15 years has been Cheri Dickson's dad. Oh, and as I mentioned above -- I will be having my first child at the age of 40.
Friends: Most of my close friends were in the classes above and below me. My best friend was/is Kathy Morrow (class of 81). We are still great friends. I also spent allot of time with Pam Wilbur-O'Kane. She and I are neighbors and we both teach at C.S.U.S.; however, I don't see as much of her as I would like (my fault mostly).
Hobbies: Hobbies/Recreation: Well, since my career field is Recreation, I guess you can say "I practice what I preach". I play volleyball, travel the globe, skydive, scuba dive, whitewater raft, ski/snowboard, hike, ride horses, have 6 pets, love to play board/table games, do tons of crafts projects, read recreationally, etc.
Kids: At this point, I have 1 dog, 4 cats, a bird and a husband. As for a kid, this is my third attempt -- I've had two miscarriages in a row, so "third time's a charm" (I hope).
Grade_school: DW Babcock
Grade_school_friends: Kathy Morrow. We have been friends since 5th grade.
Junior_high: Again, Kathy Morrow
Junior_high_friends: Once again, Kathy Morrow
Memorable_teachers: Eric (the ceramics teacher)...very "laid back". He let me explore my creative side, as did mr. Tsunekawa (Photography), and Mr. LeMontagne (Crafts). As you can see, I didn't exactly take school seriously back then, so none of the teachers who taught solids had much of an impact on me.
Favorite_memory: Mountaineering Club. I don't know what we did more -- experience nature or party??? Everything we did combined both elements. Mountaineers, remember Dillon's Beach? Probably not, we were all inebriated.
Sacramento Bee, June 4, 1997
   Aged 35, today fled from this world, suddenly Friday, May 30, 1997, in Memphis, Tennessee. Born Sept. 28, 1961, in Evanston, Illinois. After graduating from the Air Force Academy in 1983 with a Bachelors of Science in Aeronautical Engineering, he went on to a year of pilot training at Williams AFB. He was assigned to fly the Hercules C-130 out of Dyess AFB in Abilene, Texas. After separating from the air force in 1990, he was employed by Northwest Airlines. Chris leaves behind his mother and father, Suzanne and Terry Francino of Sacramento; sister Michele (Francino) Hebrank of West
Hills, Calif.; sister Yvette (Francino) Podlogar of Highlands Ranch, Colorado; brother Neal A. Francino of Sacramento; and 6 nieces and nephews. Donations can be made to Center of Animal Protection and Education in care of Francino Family, 160 Westcott Way, Sacramento. We love you, Chris.
THE SACRAMENTO BEE, December 15, 1995
   Christopher Tulley, an Oakland medical technician who was born and reared in Sacramento, died Saturday after an artificial valve in his heart failed. He was 34.
   A former Sacrameto Bee carrier and graduate of Encina High School, he later attended American River College, California State University, Sacramento, and San Francisco State University, where he earned an undergraduate degree in anthropology. After working as a dispatcher and emergency medical technician for an ambulance company in Oakland, he earned
a series of technical medical certificates.
   At the time of his death, he was employed by General Vascular Surgery Medical Group in San Leandro, where he performed vascular diagnostic tests.
   Survivors include his wife, Sabrina of Oakland; sons, Kendall and Steven of Oakland; parents, Loretta and Charles Tulley of Sacramento; brothers, Charles Tulley Jr. of Davis, and Michael Tulley of Washington, D.C.; and sisters, Ginger LoBue of San Francisco and Eve Dobkin of Daly City.
   A memorial service will be at 2 p.m. Saturday in the Health Education Building, 400 Hawthorne Ave., Oakland. A Sacramento memorial service will be in January.
Stephanie Ortiz writes:
Occupation: Mortgage Loan Consultant
Bio: After Encina I worked for Vision Service Plan for 61/2 years after that I took 4 months off just to bum around.  I decided the Fastest growing Industry was Real Estate. I was a Loan Processor for 13 Years and than opened my own Mortgage Company which I had for 3 years.  I am still in the Mortgage Business as a Loan Officer for Empire Home Loans in Rocklin, CA.
Trivia: I did not marry my High School Sweetheart as many thought. I Met my future husband Randy when I was 23 we married when I was 27 and divorced a couple of years ago.
Friends: Sandy Felker, Dana Hagerty and Cindy Healy
Hobbies: I love to play softball and go bowling.  My favorite past time however, is going to watch the Oakland Raider games, I am a season ticket holder.
Kids: I have a handsome soon to be 8 year old son Collin, and a wonderful 19 year old step-daughter Sara
Grade_school: O.W. Earlewine
Junior_high: Jonas Salk
Junior_high_friends: Sandy Felker and Dana Hagerty
Favorite_memory: My Freshman year had to be my best year at Encina, most of my friends were Seniors, and I had a blast hanging out with them and meeting all sorts of new people and developing new friendships.
Sibling_info: I had two brothers that went to Encina James & Peter Tyrovolas I think they were the class of 84 or 85.  They both live in Southern California
Alumni_in_contact: Lisa Lowe, Terri Ferreria and Lori Simmeon
Heard_about_website_from: I stumbled on to it
Keven Cull writes:
Occupation: Real Estate Appraiser
Virginia Hill writes:
Occupation: Creative Memories Unit Manager
Bio: I taught Dental Assisting at Western Career College for 11 years. I have taught Scrapbooking classes for 3 1/2 years for Creative Memories. I am married and have three children ages: 9, 5 and 3years.
Trivia: I have mellowed out alot in my old age! Those who kept in contact with me in our twenties would be quite surprised!
Friends: I still keep in contact with Patti (Brown) Palilla, Amy (Cummings)Zanakas, and Christine (Newbert) Varney. I have recently regained contact with Teres (Bugato) M...something! I would love to hear from the people that I have lost contact with.
Hobbies: I love scrapbooking, camping, and going to the beach. Still a beach bum! My family has been spending a lot of time at Beal's Paoint this summer. Come out and join us!
Kids: Ryan is 9 and in the 4th grade. A math wizard!! Rachel is 5 and starting kindergaren in the Fall. She loves to read and is VERY social. Chelsea is 3 and has been talking like an adult since two years old. Great kids!!
Grade_school: Wintersein
Grade_school_friends: Am I supposed to remember that far back? Yow!!! Amy Cummings is my longest lifetime friend! Her dad put braces on my legs when I was two years old. We grew up in the same neighborhood so went to the same schools. It is truly amazing that we have been friends for that long.
Junior_high: Jonas Salk
Junior_high_friends: Wow... now this is really asking a lot!
Favorite_teachers: Mr. Fig of course!! Mr. Ash was pretty great too!
Heard_about_website_from: Patti Pailla, Amy Zannakis, and Teres M...
David Fischer writes:
Occupation: Real Estate Broker
Bio: Philosophy, Marriage, Children, Law School, Maccha, Prozac....and yes, in that order.
Trivia: I invented post-it notes [thank you], published a seminal work on Hegel's Dialectic of Sense Certainty with an emphasis on its cross-cultural application/interpretation to the higher philosophical culture of the far east, and defeated myself in a submission wrestling match.
Friends: Dominick Petrochelli, Kirt Shearer, Bronco Nagurski, Eric Olson, Moose Albertasi, L Rose, Scott Campbell, Larry Stallin, Kathy Galloway, Cleave Dean, Kirt Shearer, Antonio Mendez Keene, Austin Cooper.
Hobbies: Physical inter-articulation with my beautiful XX. Tea. Zazen. Accumulating wealth. Helping others.
Kids: I have two boys, and a vasectomy (on my wife's B-Day, hmm). There is little doubt that my sons will be leadership figures to the progeny of other Encina Alumni. At five, my first son was correctly identifying the salient features of  Immanual Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. At five months, my second -and final- son was correcting his brother about the objection posed by non-euclidian geometry to the possibility of synthetic a-priori judgements. Prepare yourselves - Oh brothers and sisters of Encina - for the era of the Philosopher King is at hand.
Grade_school: What about it?
Favorite_teachers: Kojima, Lawrence, Sander, Dogen.
Alumni_in_contact: Erik Olaf Olson. Paul John Olson.
Heard_about_website_from: Young Thomas Dugally
Tim Heintz writes:
homepage: http://www.timheintz.com
Occupation: Musician, Composer
Bio: In 1980, I moved to So. Calif. to pursue my music career. I'm happy to say it's been quite successful. From 86-93 I toured as a keyboardist with many artists, including Michael McDonald, Chaka Khan, Boz Scaggs, and John Tesh. I also released 5 albums of my own, and had some success as an instrumental jazz artist. Nowdays, I spend my working time in my studio writing and playing for records, commercials, TV shows and film. I composed parts of the film scores for "Enemy of the State" and "Deep Blue Sea" (due out 8/99), and have recorded with artists including George Benson, Al Jarreau, Dionne Farris, Robbie Nevil, and John Tesh (quite the name-dropper, aren't I!!!). But most important, I married in 1995, and my wife Sharon (ex-Rio Americano!!!) and I have produced 3 little girls--so that's what really keeps us busy.
Trivia: I'm playing with George Martin and a couple Beatles at the Hollywood Bowl this Summer!!
Friends: Bill Baumgart (still keep in touch--he's a record producer in Nashville), Dennis Gervin, Bryan Hanson, Eric Landers (Lost touch with them), Jim Meredith (still keep in touch)
Hobbies: Wine tasting, golf (never enough time), cooking, Sports fan
Kids: Nina, Siena, and Anika, currently ages 1,2,and 3. Doing great!!
Grade_school: Cottage
Junior_high: Jonas Salk
Favorite_teachers: Mr Carey
Sibling_info: Jan Heintz Hammon 1976, Stan Heintz 1971
Alumni_in_contact: Jim Meredith, Bill Baumgart, Dave Jahnsen, Vada Dean
Carole Salerno writes:
Occupation: Director of Business Planning
Bio: Lived in Sacramento until the early 1980's, went to college at CSUS. Then I moved to the Bay Area after graduation. Until recently, had a career in retailing. Received a credential a few years back from UC Berkekely. I've been very active with my sorority serving in various capacities.
Trivia: Serve as an International Vice President for Alpha Phi.
Originally, I was with the Class of 1980, but graduated in 3 years as a Junior!
Hobbies: Waterskiing
Wine Tasting
Grade_school: Cottage School
Junior_high: Jonas Salk
Heard_about_website_from: looking for reunion info
Daniel Tuning writes:
Occupation: Certified Public Accountant
Bio: In 1981, I quit work as a bundle spotter in the wee hours of the morning for the Sacramento Bee to serve a mission for the LDS church in England. It was a wonderful experience helping others. It was also fun to walk where Louis Carrol, William Wordsworth, Heber C. Kimball and others walked, to see castles, Roman ruins, climb Scafell Peak and visit many other historical sites (I still plan to revisit the Isle of Man TT Races for a fortnight in Spring). In the mid eighties I went back to school on leadership scholarships and graduated from BYU with a BS and MS in Accounting. I then went to work in the International San Francisco Tax Practice for Ernst & Young. Bored with that I bounced around a little and settled into my own CPA practice for the past 6 years and currently reside in Benicia, California.
Trivia: No rocket science here to report, but who knows what is on the horizon!!!!
Friends: I think back to the time when Kelton Larson (class of 1978) and I gave Uncle Rollins a shower with a fire extinguisher in spring of 1978, and still chuckle. Kelton runs a HVAC business in Utah, has ten horses and a sizable farm and is doing well. I also did some hunting with Bob White two years ago and we reminisced of the old times (boy that sounds old doesn't it?) that he, Chris Pasley and I use to hunt ducks and pheasants in high school. Bob was happily married and seemed to be doing well, and at last call still works in Sacramento. Chris is up in Washington working for (get this) the Department of Fish and Game (Bob and I both chuckled).
Hobbies: Duck and Pheasant Hunting, Striper Fishing in the Bay, Snow (Alta Resort, up the Little Cottonwood Canyon in UT has the best powder skiing on earth) and Water skiing, Golf, Basketball and Softball (did I leave out anything?) and going sailing or flying with a silly client from time to time. Catching an afternoon A's game or (should I even admit to this after the Nellie Era) watching a Warrior's game.
Kids: I have two extremely charming daughters from a previous marriage. They are Samantha 9 and Kerstin 7, and they currently reside near Carmel, CA. They are indeed the apple of my eye. Both are tremendous students, each with student of the month awards and are reading several grades above their level. They love their horse riding lessons, swim team, roller blading and ice skating.
Grade_school: Wyda Way and Cottage School
Grade_school_friends: Chuck Stubbs, James Meredith, Del Stanback, Alan Boyd, Larry Mundy, Alan and John Burton, John Bedford, Greg Overbee. I've seen half of these guys in the past three years when visiting Sac during the holidays and all of them seem to be doing very well.
Junior_high: Howe
Junior_high_friends: Bob White, Chris Pasley, Del Stanback, James Meredith
Favorite_teachers: Dan Ash and Mr. Schuler.....down to earth guys that taught me lessons on life, not just classroom curriculum. Mr. Sander for teaching me those simple logic tools through algebraic formulas (they sure work well for this silly computer stuff).
Heard_about_website_from: web search for 20 year reunion info......
Greg Munsill writes:
Occupation: Undecided
Bio: Spent a year at the University of Dallas studying biochemistry, then several years at Sac State studying first business, then military history.  Since 1987 I've been working as a paralegal in a local law firm, where I'm now senior paralegal/office manager. Also been doing a few web design projects.  Still trying to decide what I want to be when I grow up.<g> Moved to Folsom last year along with Debbie Ferguson (Class of '80) to whom I've been engaged  since January. We're planning to build a B&B on our Folsom property in a couple years.
Trivia: Took a two-year sabatical from 1996 to 1998 and spent it travelling -- couple trips to Hawaii, long trips exploring the Northwest and Southwest -- and catching up on my reading. Loved it!!
Friends: Lost touch with several friends from HS, but since most of us were computer geek prototypes they seem to be the first ones re-appearing on this web site. I'm in regular contact with several Class of '80 members including Chuck Hobson, Rowe Perryman, Leo Naranjo, and Eric Winchester.  (And Debbie Ferguson, of course.)
Hobbies: Reading, computer and tabletop war games, travel.
Grade_school: St. Ignatius
Junior_high: St. Ignatius
Favorite_teachers: John Tracy (sad to see he passed away), Christine Kojima, Bebe McKenzie, John Figenshu
Erik Olson writes:
Occupation: Teacher/Developer
Bio: After high school, I went to ARC for two years before heading to Sweden to live for a year. After returning, I spent three years at Sac State earning a journalism degree. The degree led to jobs at a number of papers in Sacramento, Hayward, Santa Cruz and Oakland. I returned to school in 1987 to attend UC Santa Cruz and earned a BA in American Studies at UC Santa Cruz. After UCSC, I traveled to Poland to work for a newspaper there and teach English. The experience taught me that I enjoyed teaching, and, when I returned, earned my teaching credential. I am now teaching English, journalism and yearbook at Laguna Creek High School in Elk Grove. I got married in June 98 to my wife Beata, whom I met when I was in Poland. Over the past two years, in addition to teaching, my brother Paul (Class of '80) and I have been purchasing fourplexes in the south area in a distressed neighbordhood and trying to turn the area around.
Friends: David Fischer, Barry Wisdom, Chris Dahlberg, John McGillivary and Chuck Armstrong were all good friends in high school. I've lost contact with just about everyone, including Ralph Pasuinas, Jimmy Rogers, Chuck Hobson, Greg Munsel ­ any number of band and newspaper members.       
Hobbies: Travel, reading, golf, volleyball
Grade_school: Cottage School
Grade_school_friends: Chris Dahlberg, John McGillivary, Keven Cull
Junior_high: Jonas Salk
Junior_high_friends: David Fischer
Favorite_teachers: Bebe McKenzie, Jack Bassett, Gary Greenbaum
Katie Farrar writes:
Bio: I've had three children, been around the world compliments of the US Air Force and stayed very active in the LDS Church.
Trivia: In 1999, just 20 years after graduating from Encina High School, the University of Utah awards me with a B.S. in Elementary Education!
Friends: Best friends: Sharon Wilkinson Eversole and Reme Pullicar
Hobbies: I love to read, talk, play on my computer and e-mail friends all over the world.
Kids: David, born in 1986--Holly born in 1990--Kevin, born in 1992. They're the best!
Grade_school: O. W. Holmes in North Highlands, California
Junior_high: Jonas Salk Middle School
Favorite_teachers: Mr. Gonzales for Spanish, Ms. Takeuchi for English, and Mr. Dutton for Math
Heard_about_website_from: I looked it up via a search engine.

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