Encina High School Alumni
Event: 30 year Reunion Dinner
Date: Saturday, August 2, 2003
Attire: Dressy casual. We strongly suggest no high heels due
to ship deck of Delta King and cobblestones in Old Sacramento.
Meal choices: If you are in contact with other 73 alumni, please let them know about the reunion.
Thanks for Rett Smart for donating 3 sets of red & white wine and
the AM/FM/CD shower companion and to Andrea Church for
donating a $25 Barnes & Noble gift certificate.
The following awards were given. Other classmates may top these
records, but were not present at the reunion:
Most grandchildren: Andrea Church Gough - 5
Longest married: Shirley Bedford Robinson - 31
Farthest traveled for reunion: Sydney Smeeden Brown - Anchorage, AK
[Jim Dunlap, also from Anchorage, had already left the party]
Fastest driven: Rett Smart - 224 mph - 8 laps in a full-blown NASCAR at the
Richard Petty Driving Experience in Orlando, FL. He adds, "What a gas!"
Most interesting job: Debbie Brusby Coleman - painting Abrams Tanks in
Saudi Arabia
Most broken bones: Scott Harris - about 10, mostly ribs, collar bone, leg,
ankle, hand, and vertebras. [Also claims to be the only classmate ever in
Most shoes in closet: Nancy Patton - 68 pairs ("I'm not kidding!")
Near death experiences (we're glad they're still with us):
Janie Davis Nelson
Gail Haynes Veri
Mike Short
Community Service award: Cynthia Connell
We forgot to acknowledge Marty Buckles, who took our reunion deadline
so seriously he spent $15-20 to Fedex his check by the July 5th deadline!
Marty, this Bud's for you!
Make your check payable to Encina Class of 1973 and send your payment and the following information to:
Diane Kelly
3373 Sierra Oaks Dr
Sacramento,CA 95864
Classmate name (first, maiden, last names) _________________________________
Guest (spouse,partner,date) ___________________________________ Relationship __________________
$ amount enclosed ($60 single, $100 per couple) $ _______
Meal choice(s) (note number of each selection, one per party member):
Roasted chicken ________________ Spinach and mushroom fettuccini ______________
Legend: Unconfirmed, Confirmed,
(first) indicates first time attended reunion
A Estreilla Allen Shelley Andrews Johnson |
B Jennifer Bailey Kimsey Stacey Barnes Swett (& Rick) (first) Belinda Batcha (& Dave Fenwick) (first) Shirley Bedford Robinson Brent Bombola (& Marcie) Fred Borowski Carol Boyes Chris Browning Smith Debbie Brusby Coleman (first) Marty Buckles (& Donna Deveraux) Pat Buckner (& Nancy) Jerry Burks 71 Karen Butcher Helmecy |
C Andrea Church Gough (first) Lucia Churches Maureen Coe Christiansen (& Neil Christiansen) Cynthia Connell Mike Crosby (& Terri) Suzanne Crowder Patch |
D Merry Daniels Heizer Janie Davis Nelson (first) Charlene DeVere Greenly Jim Dunlap (first) Margaret Dunlap 76 Patrick Dunn (first) Sioux Dunn Wight 74 |
E Sally Enos Locke-Paddon Tim Erickson (& sister Leslie Erickson 74) (first) Tim Essert (& Diana) |
F Mike Fahn (& guest) Judy Flint Crackel |
G Steve Giguere (first) Susan Grassi Formanek |
H Colleen Hagen Starr Kelcey Hall Taber Scott Harris (& Kimberly) Gail Haynes Veri (& Ben Veri)(Utah) Chris Heimburg (& Laurie) Lisa Henderson Chapa (& daughter Meghan Saffold) |
IJ Dawn James Joe Jeffrey (& Diane) Dona Lyn Jones (& Cory Jones) |
K Michael Kelly Judy Kline Irvine (& Bob Irvine) |
L Susan La Cornu Harlan Lau Alan Lew (& Mable)(first) Debbie Lopes Grutzmacher Mary Lorman Gough |
M Robb Mainer Wallace (& Cheri) Tim McCarthy (& Jill) Gail Miller |
N Bob Nannini James Nolan (first) John Nunez 74 |
O Tom O'Connor Phil Olivas (& Nancy) |
P Marilyn Palmore Lard Nancy Patton Debbie Petkovich Verniest Dennis Plessas |
Q | R Matt Reeves (& Michelle Foucheaux) Sally Reid Clausen (& Curt) Debbie Richmond Meyer |
S Diane Schoenborn Kelly Wally Severson (& wife)(first) Joyce Shaw Allen (first) Kerry Shearer 72 Bonnie Shifflette Mike Short (& Roxane McGinness) Anne Simmermacher Niehaus Rett Smart Sydney Smeeden Brown (first) Ken Smith Kirk Smith Marlene Smith Murray Rick Stalker (& Donna Burnett) Kate Steinkoenig Sendegeya (first) (& Patrick Sendegeya) Eric Sudhoff |
T Karen Teakle Lemieux (& Don Lemieux) Carolyn Teel Rand (& Gary Loyd) Patti Thomas Kraushar 72 |
U |
V David Valle Cindy Vice Rivard (first) (& Mike Rivard 71) |
W Tim Will 71 Kevin Wilson |
XYZ Karen Yoder Ensley |
Faculty Jack Bassett Jack Carey Christine Kojima Bill Lee Karen McClelland Lee |
Monitors Meghan Saffold (daughter of Lisa Henderson) Cory Jones (nephew of Dona Lyn Jones) |
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