Encina High School Alumni
If you would be willing to loan the Encina webmaster your old Encina newspapers so that they can be scanned it please contact the Encina webmaster.
Here is the first Encina newspaper, back before Encina had chosen a mascot and before the newspaper had a name! Many thanks to Randi Muller 62 for loaning these precious and irreplaceable pieces of Encina's history for scanning.
October 6, 1958: Vol 1, No 1 (courtesy of Randi Muller 62) | |||
The second issue talks about how the Apache mascot name was not passed in balloting.
November 10, 1958: Vol 1, No 2 (courtesy of Randi Muller 62) | |||
The first Tomahawk!
December 8, 1958: Vol 1, No 3 (courtesy of Randi Muller 62) | |||
February 2, 1959: Vol 1, No 4 (courtesy of Randi Muller 62) | |||
Last updated: 3/12/09
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