This page contains Greer School class pictures in which Encina's Class of '67 alumni appear.
If you can help with any of
the unknown or incomplete names, as well as share appropriate class pictures of
your own, please contact me.
The photo(s) should be scanned at 300 dpi and emailed as a jpg file.
Please identify the school, grade, teacher, and as many of your classmates as
you can. Links to other schools' class
pictures in which our classmates can be found:
Cottage School
Howe Avenue School
Jonas Salk Junior High School
Click on thumbnail to see full-size image.

Greer School, Mrs. Foreman's Kindergarten, 1954-55
(photo courtesy of Janet Cuthbert Roth)
Top row: ??, Pamela Primm, Jan Willitt, Suzie Trimble, Ronnye
Heller, ??, Mike
Palmer, Elmo Yates, ??, Dennis Loeffler, Mrs. Foreman
Middle row: ??, ??, Linda Pohto, Janet Cuthbert, Susie Staples, Marty
Mearns, Dottie Ehrhorn, ??, Yoshie Fujiwara, Janet DeBacco, ??
Front row: ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ?? |

Greer School, Mrs. Howard's grade 1, 1955-56
(photo courtesy of Janet Cuthbert Roth)
Top row: Ralph Tarro, Mike Palmer, ??,
Stuart Warner, Elmo Yates, Dennis Loeffler, Pamela Primm, Janet Cuthbert, Susan Armitage
Middle row: Mrs. Howard, Linda Pohto,
Yoshie Fujiwara, Jan Willett, ??, ??, Suzie Trimble, Betty Lavatto, Janet DeBacco, Dottie
Front row: ??, ??, ?? |

Greer School, teacher unknown, grade 1, 1955-56
(photo courtesy of Perry Kesterson '70)
Top row: Kenny Bruton, ??, ??, ??, ??,
??, ??, Jimmy Eiferle, ??, ??, Johnny
Front row: Teacher, ??, ??, ??, ??. ??, ??, ??, ??, Irene
Munoz, Virginia Glenn |

Greer School, Miss Farnsworth's grade 2, 1956-57
(photo courtesy of Kathie Kloss Marynik)
Top row: Miss Farnsworth,
Jimmy Eiferle, ??, ??, David Babayco, ??, Randy Wentzel, James Freeland,
Stuart Warner, ??, Sam Hovey, Kenny Bruton
Middle row: ??, Johnny, Susie
Staples, Kathie Kloss, Kathleen Higgins, Dale Wales, Jackie Harding, Janet
Susan Armitage
Front row: Karen Adams, Claudia,
??, Joann Blevins, Janie Moran, Cynthia, Judy Kendall, Irene Munoz, Janet DeBacco |

Greer School, teacher unknown, grade 2, 1956-57
(photo courtesy of Charlene Jenkins Bole)
Top row: Rudy Morriese, Rusty Beaty, Gregory Freeland, ??,
Glenn Rust, Dennis Loeffler, Jim Hietbrink, Chad Petersen, Bryan Elmer, Elmo
Yates, ??, Ralph Tarro
Middle row:
??, ??, Suzie Trimble, ??, ??, Virginia Glenn, Mary Helmich, Sally Wayne, Dottie
Ehrhorn, Laurie Lambert, ??, Danny Patrick
Front row: Yoshie Fujiwara, Charlene Jenkins, ??, ??, Marty Mearns, Jan
Willett, ??, Kathy Lamb, Linda Pohto |

Greer School, Mrs.
Slawson's grade 3, 1957-58
(photo courtesy of Kathie Kloss Marynik)
Row 1: Principal, Kenny Bruton,
??, Mrs. Slawson
Row 2: Janet Cuthbert, Jimmy Eiferle,
Richard, Johnny, Janet DeBacco, Carolyn Fox, ??, Gregory Freeland
Row 3: Sam Hovey, Judy
Kendall, Cynthia, Rudy Morriese, Dale Wales, Jimmy Eiferle again, Van Owens,
David Babayco
Row 4: Karen Adams, Claudia,
Randy Wentzel, Kathleen Higgins, Jackie Harding, Janie Moran, Betty Lavatto, Kathie Kloss |

Greer School, Mrs. Scandalis' grade 3, 1957-58
(photo courtesy of Charlene Jenkins Bole)
Row 1: Principal, Jim Hietbrink, ??, Mrs.
Row 2: Charlene Jenkins, Bryan Elmer, Ralph Tarro,
Mary Helmich, Rusty Beaty, Virginia Glenn, James Freeland, ??
Row 3: Linda Pohto, Elmo Yates, Dottie
Ehrhorn, Kathy Lamb, ??, Suzie Trimble, Nina Paladino, Glenn Rust
Row 4: Gary Lucas, Sally Wayne, Mary Helmich,
??, Laurie Lambert, ??, Danny Patrick |

Greer School, Mrs. Cussen's grade 4, 1958-59
(photo courtesy of Kathie Kloss Marynik)
Top row: Linda Pohto, Janet
DeBacco, Johnny, Jimmy Eiferle, Kenny Bruton, Carolyn Fox, Karen Adams, Betty
Mrs. Cussen
Middle row: David Babayco,
??, Van Owens, Mark Fulkerson, Randy Wentzel, Richard, Elmo Yates, Gregory Freeland,
Chris Wicks
Front row: ??, Kathie Kloss,
JoAnn Blevins, Kathleen Higgins, Dale Wales, Virginia Glenn, Janet Cuthbert, Jackie Harding,
Sharon Smith |

Greer School, Miss Sanders' grade 5, 1959-60
(photo courtesy of Perry Kesterson '70)
Row 1: Rudy Morriese, Janie
Moran, Kathy Lamb, George Rogers, Janet, Betty
Row 2: Karen Adams, David Babayco,
Kenny Bruton, Richard, Glenn Rust, Bryan Elmer, Cheryl, Sharon, Charlene Jenkins
Row 3: Dale Wales, Van Owens,
Janet DeBacco, Roselyn, JoAnn Blevins, Dennis Loeffler, Irene Munoz, Judy Kendall,
Lorna Case Row 4: Randy Wentzel, Ralph
Tarro, Gregory Freeland, Virginia Glenn, Nina Paladino, Gary Lucas, ??

Greer School, Mrs. Fairbrother's grades 5/6,
(photo courtesy of Kathie Kloss Marynik)
Row 1: Linda Pohto, ??, Danny
Patrick, Suzie Trimble, Marty Babayco, Laurie Lambert
Row 2: Carolyn Fox, ??,
Sam Hovey, Mary Helmich, Mrs. Fairbrother, James Freeland, Tara Gray, Elmo Yates,
Dottie Ehrhorn
Row 3: Sharon Smith,
Sharlyn Woolley,
Rusty Beaty, Sally Wayne, Angelette Nigh, Allan McDonald, ??, Lynn Jenkins,
Marsha Green
Row 4: Gloria Schulze,
Linda Rolloff, Chris Wicks, Kathleen Higgins, Arthur Haley, Kathie Kloss |

Greer School, Mr. Carmichael's grades 5/6,
(photo courtesy of Perry Kesterson '70)
Row 1: Irene Munoz, Gregory
Freeland, Deana Dunning, Kathy Lamb, Billy Medlock, Janice Hagen
Row 2: Anna Morriese, ??,
Judy Kendall, Ralph Tarro, Mr. Carmichael, Gerald Givens, Janet DeBacco, John Manikas, ??
Row 3: ??, Van Owens, Nina
Paladino, Sam Hovey, Jan Flint, ??, Connie Trathen, Richard Kopp, Darlene
Row 4: Wendy Loeffler, Glenn
Rust, Albert Geiser, Garner Nigh, Gilbert Castillo, ??, ??, David Barnes, Kathleen Wilkinson
Row 5: ??, Marlene Glenn |

Greer School, Mr. Gonzales' grade 6, 1960-61
(photo courtesy of Kathie Kloss Marynik)
Row 1: Linda Pohto, Charles
Baltzley, Gloria
Schulze, Carol Yunker, James Freeland, Mary Helmich
Row 2: Charlene Jenkins,
Rusty Beaty, David Babayco, Candace Castleberry, Mr. Gonzales, Richard, Cynthia
Sullivan, Mark Fulkerson, Sally Wayne
Row 3: Danny Patrick, Chris
Wicks, Sherry Miller, Bryan Elmer, Kathie Kloss, Gary Lucas, Virginia Glenn, Dennis Loeffler, Lorna Case
Row 4: Carolyn Fox, Sharon
Smith, Dottie Ehrhorn, Rudy Morriese, Laurie Lambert, Elmo Yates, JoAnn
Blevins, Kathleen Higgins,
Suzie Trimble
Row 5: Janie Moran |